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15 Advantages & Disavantages of Life in a Hostel

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We’re in the midst of summer, but even when it’s Christmas time, it’s always good to know about the advantages and disadvantages of life in a hostel.

I myself, as a digital nomad traveling around the world, have lived longterm in hostels in London and Rome, mainly.

And if you’re looking for how to survive life in a hostel, you’re exactly where you need to be.

I’ll share here all the pros and cons of booking a hostel, and how to cope with all the little problems that can arise when living in a hostel!

15 Advantages & Disavantages of Life in a Hostel to Know

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Ever since I can remember, I was interested in living in hostels abroad, far from France, in places where I could make new friends and learn new languages.

I managed to become fluent in four languages in total and make friends in London, Rome, Paris, Barcelona and a few other cities.

Bear in mind that even with all the disadvantages of life in a hostel, the perks are still worth – but judge it by yourself!

All the Advantages of Life in a Hostel

Advantages of Life in a Hostel: You’re in a New Town

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If there’s one thing I love, it’s discovering new cities in Italy, Europe, the USA, and I can never seem to stop in one spot for too long.

It’s true I live in London half of the time now, but I still consider it my home – just can’t be there for too long, especially during winter.

I mean, spring and fall in London are two superb seasons to visit London, but winter, boy…

That’s a no from me.

So clearly, one of the best things about living in a hostel is all the culture you’ll be able to take in, all the cheap eats, and all the sunsets.

Advantages of Life in a Hostel: You Learn Organization & Productivity

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If you want to live in a hostel, one of the big advantages is that it makes you learn a lot about how to behave in a new environment.

You’ll have to find tricks to be more productive with work while living with lots of other people who might not be students or freelancers.

When I booked my digital nomad accommodation in Rome, I found that waking up earlier than everyone else helped me really be focused with work.

Advantages of Life in a Hostel: You Meet New Friends

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It’s not that easy to make friends when moving abroad, but one of the big advantages of life in a hostel is that (almost) everyone feels the same way.

People are more welcoming, more likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger, and you can really make lifelong friends in hostels.

The key is to really be open-minded.

There are people from all grounds living in hostels, from digital nomads to students abroad and people who sadly, cannot afford an apartment.

The more open-minded you are, the better you’ll feel when staying at a hostel!

Advantages of Life in a Hostel: You Can Meet Locals

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Sometimes, you can meet locals in hostels, whether they are living in the hostel or working there.

When I visited Rome for the first time, I made friends with a few of the staff working at the Yellowsquare hostel near Termini.

This allowed me to discover Rossi Tiziano, a coffee shop that offers some of the best breakfast in Rome – all because it was recommended to me by the people working there.

Advantages of Life in a Hostel: You Can Have Deals on Activities & Food

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A lot of hostels have deals on laundromats, restaurants, street food joints, tours, and even shops.

Ask at the reception as it could help you save money for travel; which is always crucial when abroad.

You never know what’s going to happen!

Advantages of Life in a Hostel: The Price

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Of course, one of the biggest advantages of staying at a hostel is the price.

Usually, you can get really cheap accommodation, which is essential for digital nomads, and in really good locations.

There are hostels in all part of major cities, and you can really choose where to live on a budget in London, New York, Paris, Barcelona…

Be careful, in cities like Rome, you will have to pay a €3.50 tax for each day you stay at the hostel (for 10 days only, but it still adds up).

All the Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: People Who Snore

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Now let’s get on with all the disadvantages of life in a hostel, and the first one is that some people are serious snorers.

One of the best things to pack when traveling are some earplugs – I don’t travel without them any more.

Actually, earplugs should be on every digital nomad’s packing list!

In time, you learn the rhythm of the people in the dorm with you, so you know roughly from what time there will be peace and quiet to have a good night’s sleep.

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: Lack of Privacy

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Privacy is not the main strength of hostels, and when I’m traveling abroad, I try to maintain my privacy as much as I can.

It’s already unsettling in a way to visit London for the first time, New York City, Los Angeles or Paris.

Fortunately, a lot of hostels now offer beds with a curtain and power outlets so you literally don’t have to see anyone if you don’t want to.

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: Organization For the Bathroom

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Whether you have a dorm with a private bathroom or shared bathrooms, one of the things that requires most organization is the schedule to literally be able to pee and shower.

Again, observe the schedule of the people staying with you in the room.

If necessary, wake up earlier so you’re sure to have hot water.

I lived in a hostel in Rome for 5 months, and even worked at a hostel in London for 2 months while living on-site, and well…

Let’s say that’s one of the things I wish I knew when going to London and working at the hostel.

That you really have to get up early if you want hot water, and good stuff to eat for breakfast if you want to eat on a budget.

If you’re the type of person who likes to sleep in, having to wake up early to shower and eat will be one of the main disadvantages of life in a hostel…

But it gives you more time to explore!

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: Shared Kitchens

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Shared kitchens can also be one of the strongest disadvantages of life in a hostel, especially when the staff doesn’t tend to the kitchen.

I usually try to pick a hostel when I’ve been able to see the kitchen.

I’ve spent time in hostels where there were no kitchens, and it’s equally as challenging as a dirty kitchen in my opinion.

Unless you plan on eating in all the instagrammable restaurants in London, make sure you pick a good hostel with a clean kitchen!

Otherwise, you’ll quickly understand why it’s one of the biggest disadvantages of life in a hostel, when you’re spending more than you had forecast on food!

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: Hygiene Issues

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Another one of the biggest disadvantages of life in a hostel, in my opinion, is the lack of hygiene of some people you’ll encounter there.

Hostels are not only made for travelers, students abroad and digital nomads.

They’re made for all types of people and some, well, aren’t too in love with showering.

That’s not something you can control unless you say something.

But when traveling abroad, that’s not something you want to fight over with a stranger in my experience.

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: Safety

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Safety in hostels is not the strongest, and you really have to pay attention to your belongings.

It’s really here one of the biggest disadvantages of life in a hostel, because you have to be alert at all times.

When I was working in a hostel, I witnessed a few cases of stuff being stolen, or people opening other guests’ suitcases…

I always sleep with my valuables under my pillow when I’m staying at a hostel, because clearly, you don’t want to wake up without your phone, your credit card or your passport.

In a lot of hostels, you’ll have lockers which you can rent (they’re sometimes free) to safeguard your belongings.

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: Mixed Dorms

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Well, I’m an introverted extrovert (or vice versa), and whenever I can be alone, I’ll jump on the occasion.

Obviously, for me, one of the biggest disadvantages of life in a hostel, especially long term is sleeping in a mixed dorm.

People come and go, you don’t always have the time to make new connections, the atmosphere is sometimes tense in the room for no reason…

But if you’re super social and willing to meet new people, you can make new friends right in your hostel room!

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: The Nightlife

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The nightlife and partying in hostels, especially those who have a bar or pub attached, is one of my pet peeves and definitely one of the biggest disadvantages of life in a hostel.

Depending on the hostel, partying only lasts until a certain hour of the morning.

Not my unhealed trauma about not being able to sleep when I was working in a hostel, because my bed was right on top of the bass in the bar…

Anyway, if you’re looking to enjoy nightlife in London, Rome, or Paris, you’ll definitely find hostels where you can party and dance too – if that’s what you’re looking for!

Disadvantages of Life in a Hostel: The Location

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Well, one of the biggest disadvantages of life in a hostel is staying at a place way too far from the center of the city.

Cheaper, obviously, which means the location will force you to travel longer every day.

That could be staying in zone 4 or 5 in London and taking an hour to reach Tottenham Court Road, Oxford Circus and Leicester Square.

Make sure to really balance your budget and the location!

15 Advantages & Disavantages of Life in a Hostel to Know

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There you have them, all the advantages and disadvantages of life in a hostel!

Hopefully, this will help you choose whether you’re rather stay at an AirBnb, a hotel, or if you can manage living in a hostel!

Until next time!

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Sam is a certified fashion makeup artist, a freelance writer, a blogger and a digital nomad. Since 2019, she roams around the world, from London to Rome and shares her knowledge about makeup, scented candles, travel, blogging and the digital nomad lifestyle.